Beginning as a blog, we hope to provide applicable, accessible fitness information for the visually-impaired community across the world. While providing this information through simply written articles, blogs, and updates, we also wish to provide increased awareness to what visually-impaired people around the world are achieving, and to enable others to follow those examples and pursue their own goals, physical, or otherwise.
We will also be providing seminars and consulting services catered to the visually-impaired community developed by someone with a visual impairment themselves.
Our articles will delve into a variety of health topics such as adapting exercises for the visually-impaired, exercise explanations with explicit detail to help clarity and proficiency, and plenty more! There should be something for everyone to gain from this resource and we are always open to topic suggestions!
Down the road, we would love to be conducting in-person clinics at facilities worldwide to more thoroughly help in person.

About our co-founder Evan Schwerbrock
A few months after earning his Bachelor’s degree in Health Science from Bradley University in 2014, Evan developed Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, and became legally blind. Throughout this journey, he continued working out feverishly, learning to adapt to his new needs. Despite visual impairment, Evan moved on to earn his Master’s degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Applied Exercise Physiology from the University of Illinois-Chicago. During this time, he also focused on disability studies and their application to health and fitness.
Evan is also a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He actively competes in strongman, with a recent accomplishment of first place in the 2019 Illinois Strongest Man competition in the 242 lb. weight class.
Evan is currently responsible for all articles, seminars, training, and information from Cane and Able Fitness.